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In 2022… 

the NWAAE team has brought together a stable of incredibly talented, passionate creatives!

…we’ve built a website filled with artistic offerings including…

  • Blog Posts about NWAAE projects, events, artist highlights, and more!
  • Art installation collaborations with Eileen Klatt and youth leadership bridging art and activism on the banks of the Snake River
  • Billboards across the PNW with art by Alfredo Arreguín and Ray Troll
  • Lesson plans and art projects for educators about salmon, orca, art activism, and Indigenous treaties k-12.  *Know a teacher who might use these materials for their class? Reach out to Britt Freda, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

 …we’ve contributed to and supported events from rallies to film screenings to book signings for NWAAE Amy Gulick!

 …we’ve launched a NWAAE storefront as a way to create functional art that spreads the word beautifully.  

 … we launched several calls for art! See our past and current calls for art here and check out the gallery opportunity in Tacoma below!  

Looking forward to the turn of the year, NWAAE has another wonderful year of art in store.

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Honor: People and Salmon

In spring 2023, Northwest Artists Against Extinction and Save Our wild Salmon Coalition will present Honor: People and Salmon, an exhibit of works by artists and advocates who create art to evoke support in the fight against the extinction of keystone species, specifically wild salmon and resident orcas, and of all people who rely on these species.

Where: Honor: People and Salmon will be shown in the Kittredge Gallery at the University of Puget Sound.
When: The exhibit will open on March 6th and run through April 15th.  (The gallery will close on March 11-19 for the University’s spring break)

Salmon are crucial to the cultures and economies of Northwest Tribes and an essential food source for critically endangered Southern Resident orcas. Healthy salmon populations deliver irreplaceable benefits to the peoples and places of this region. 

NWAAE brings artists together to inspire change in perspective and policy that honors past, present, and future generations in the stewardship of these shared lands and waters. 

Honor: People and Salmon will be shown in the Kittredge Gallery at the University of Puget Sound. The exhibit will open on March 6th and run through April 15th.  The gallery will close on March 11-19 for the University’s spring break.  

Are you an artist and want to create or have already created that you’d like to submit for inclusion in this show? Check out the submission details on the Artist Calls page.


Our New Logo

NWAAE LogoP.S. we have a new logo! We started with a brushstroke - sumi ink and the practice of painting a circle. Circles led us to cycles, renewal, restoration, re-storying, reimagine and swirling water. You’ll notice the circle not fully closed — A space for a salmon to swim freely through free-flowing, swirling water.