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Northwest Artists Against Extinction and Save Our wild Salmon Coalition concluded our 2024 Poster Competition in April.  We received so many stunning artwork submissions, our jury was challenged to choose winners. We are grateful to all who entered work in this competition and who create to inspire restoration!  

2024 Poster Competition Winners

Top designs will be used in NWAAE and SOS promotional materials and posters (similar to previous posters- below).  NWAAE and SOS will incorporate poster language that calls for support to restore healthy and abundant salmon, steelhead, and Southern Resident orca populations. 

Alyssa Eckert

Alfredo Arreguin

Britt Freda

Learn more about the finalists:  

Salmon and Orca 

Advocacy and Collective Action 

Web of Life / Ecosystems 

Vote for Our Planet 

Emerging Artist Activist (under 18) 

  • 1st Taelyn Baiza, Endangered Species of the West  
  • 2nd Maria Felicity Tejada, The Story: Us and the World, A Celebration of Unity, Hope and Love for Mother Earth 

Look for these images in our 2024 materials and printed posters. Thank you to all who created work for this call and congratulations to the finalists!