Artist: Sarah Koten
Painting is a language that is my preferred form of self expression. The curiosity and love I feel for the natural world finds a voice with brush and paint. Color makes it sing.
The quality of light and its effects on the environment here in the Pacific Northwest is an endless source of fascination for me. The subtle changes it creates on the leaves, flowers and trees are remarkable and art-worthy. I am never happier than when I'm trying to capture, and recreate on the canvas, an interesting image. The challenge is captivating and all consuming.
Sarah Koten has a BA in Art History from Northwestern University. She received a AAS from the Fashion Institute of Technology. She then received a Presidential Scholarship to attended the Art Institute of Chicago where she earned a Post-Baccalaureate in Painting and Drawing.
Artist Statement
Restoring the habitat of those that give back to the nourishment of all living things/and living things to come is crucially important for the well-being of this special place we ALL call home.
Samish River Salmon
2022 oil on canvas 18" x 24"
Courtesy of:: Courtesy of Margaret Kachadurian
This painting is about the first time I saw salmon swimming in the river near where we lived in Bow, Washington, It was a magical and mystical experience.
2022 oil on canvas 9" x 12"
Courtesy of:: Bruce and Susan Henderson
Flow is the natural rhythm of the universe that enables all living organisms to be able to move without obstruction.