Artist: Nalisha Estrellas Rangel
About the artist
I am a seasoned illustrator, painter and tattoo designer. As a proud Latina living in the Pacific Northwest, my work has benefited my diverse community by way of local fundraisers, silent auctions and large-scale art donations. My passions center around elevating and diversifying artist communities everywhere.
My work exhibits a reverence for patterns in nature, movement and texture. I frequently feel like a passenger when I draw because I let the compositions guide me versus me controlling them. I am driven to capture a sense of movement on the page.
Artist Statement
The pursuit of balance is never-ending, but the journey is worth it especially when education is a by-product. I believe it's possible to see tangible results in our lifetimes with increased activism and engagement across generations. I've been impacted by Artists in my life and the universal messages they convey. It's my hope that my art can contribute to a chorus of creators who beneficially impact communities every day.

Completed: 2022 - 24" x 36" - Black Pen on Canvas
When I find myself in nature I try to stay present, still and aware that I am occupying someone's home: birds, ducks, coyotes, rabbits, herons, otters, fish, harbor seals, etc. If I'm lucky enough to see these creatures it's pure joy - no matter how big or small they are. This piece is dedicated to them and the full moon that quietly connects us all.

Completed: 2020 - 8" x 10" - Pen on paper
I hike urban trails very frequently and never take the beauty around me for granted. This piece was created with the reverence I feel under the trees, fresh air near a lake, river or ocean and the sweet songs of the myriad of birds perched or flying overhead.