Artist: Megan Mack
Megan Mack (b.1986) is an MFA graduate from Pratt Institute in 2021. She has worked predominantly as a portrait and commercial photographer for over ten years. Currently, she works as an interdisciplinary artist examining social and environmental issues within the more-than-human world.
She is currently on staff as a photographer/videographer for Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment. As of late, she has taken on the role of Education Coordinator at Moscow Contemporary in Moscow, Idaho.
Megan Mack: Tree Scroll with Beetle Glyph
Completed 2021 - painting, oil and ink on linen - 87" x 31"
This work explores found markings or patterns made by bark beetles, specifically the emerald ash borer beetle and pine bark beetles. Engaging with these markings, as "material-semiotic nodes or knots in which diverse bodies and meaning coshape one another'' (Donna Haraway, When Species Meet), I use the beetle's biosemiotic tree markings or glyphs as my primary text to offer retranslations through different media— aquatints, painting, and sound—in order to explore the interrelationality of the human and more-than-human worlds within the Anthropocene.