Artist: Alyssa Eckert
Alyssa Eckert creates work as The Bright Merchant.
Alyssa draws inspiration for her work from the ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest and Eastern Washington where she resides. Her use of naturalism and symbolism create a harmonious narrative that draws the viewer into the detailed infinite magic of planetary life. Every piece comes out of a unique experience between the artist and her subjects, meant to educate and convey the importance of conserving our interconnected relationships with the natural world.
Alyssa Eckert: Run to Extinction
“I started [Run to Extinction] right after the NWAAE Honor: People and Salmon show at University of Puget Sound last spring. This piece was inspired by the poetry, [I Sing the Salmon Home, edited by Rena Priest], that was read at the artist reception. I wanted to convey the interconnection of orcas and salmon, how their numbers are dwindling due to the negative impact of humans.” —Alyssa Eckert (@thebrightmerchant),