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Northwest Artists Against Extinction artwork was featured at Patagonia on Friday June 9, 2023 for Belltown Art Walk in Seattle. 

Steve Nagode at Patagonia Art Walk

Steve Nagode at Patagonia Art Walk

Joining Britt Freda, Steve Nagode was able to be there in person with samples of his metal work.  Steve displayed sea stars, jellyfish and giant barred owl feather sculptures made, largely, of recycled metals. 

A highlight for anyone who stopped at Steve’s table was ringing the gong sculpture made from reclaimed steel fire extinguisher that hung from an empty sleeping bag rack.  Throughout the evening passers struck the gong with a smooth piece of driftwood and laughed with delight as they waited for the sound to ring back to silence. 

“It was such a pleasure to have the opportunity to connect with Steve and his partner Nityia and to learn more about the creative construction and inspiration behind his artwork, his connection to cycling and recycling bike parts, and his career as an engineer and an outdoor gear developer,” said Britt Freda.  

Learn more about Steve’s work at

Or follow him on instagram @artwelddone

Wild Salmon returning home, 2022 steel sculpture 20” x 30” x 8”Wild Salmon returning home
2022 steel sculpture 20” x 30” x 8”
For price $ and purchase information contact the artist directly:
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2023 06 14 4 Steve Nagode at Patagonia Art Walk

Steve Nagode at Patagonia Art Walk