Call for Art: Sending Love to Tahlequah
NWAAE is looking for visual art, poetry, and/or short prose created to honor Tahlequah.
Artwork and Story/Poetry submission deadline has passed.
Copyright ©Britt FredaYou may have seen the heartbreaking news recently. Tahlequah J35, the Southern Resident orca, tragically lost another newborn and again spent weeks sacrificing precious energy to carry her deceased calf in a display of grief.
Southern Resident orcas face immense challenges, and chinook salmon are vital to their survival. As much as 80% of the Southern Residents’ diet is chinook salmon and one of the largest historical sources of these salmon at a critical time of the year – winter – has been the Snake River. Restoring a free-flowing lower Snake River is essential to recover critical salmon runs and help feed struggling Southern Residents.
What can you do?
Make art and share it with the world
Submit artwork, poetry and prose to NWAAE to support art and advocacy for Southern Resident Orcas, Salmon, and a free-flowing Snake River.
Post it to social media.
Sample message: “Tahlequah: We see you, and we must act now. Restoring the lower Snake River and its endangered salmon runs is essential to help prevent orca extinction. Urge @GovFerguson to act for salmon and orca recovery”
Sample message: "A free-flowing lower Snake River offers hope for orcas, salmon, and communities. Urge @GovFerguson to act for salmon and orca recovery.”
Add your voice
Contact Governor Ferguson with your message. You can do this using this form: